Wine industry

Wine industry

Wine is a regional product, so their characteristics depend mainly on the cultivation area (ground, temperature, altitude and inclination of the terrain, etc.) and grape selection. However, the quality of grapes depends on the production care; from grape to bottling, through grape juice and fermentation. Each step must be controlled by experts and a laboratory capable of providing fast and reliable results.

For the quality control, it is essential to perform an analysis of various components of the fermented grape juice (such as sugar and organic acids) and wine. The organic deacidification (conversion of L-Malic acid into L-Lactic Acid) can be controlled by the enzymatic determination of those acids. Also, it is possible to determine the content of D-Lactic acid, which aims to detect an impure fermentation and microbiological changes. The total sugar content is required to classify the taste type of wines (dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet) and the calculation of total alcohol. The determination of Glucose / Fructose ratio can be used to calculate the total amount of fermentable sugars of the grape juice.

A good wine also has to be tasty. It shouldn’t contain harmful components such as natural toxins produced by fungi (mycotoxins).